How to calculate the dimensional formula of Density?

Density is a measure of how much mass is present in a given volume. It is typically represented by the symbol “ρ” (rho) and is calculated by dividing the mass of an object by its volume. The dimensional formula for density is therefore represented as follows: [ M1  L-3 ] where [M] represents the dimension of … Read more

Dimensional Formula of Magnetic Flux

The dimensional formula of Magnetic Flux is  [ M1  L2  T-2 A-1] where [M], [L], [T], and [A] are the fundamental quantities: Mass, Length, Time, and Ampere (Current). Now let’s see how we can drive this formula. How to calculate the dimensional formula of magnetic flux? The mathematic formula of magnetic flux is, We know that … Read more

Dimensional Formula of Stress

The dimensional formula of Stress is  [ M1  L-1  T-2 ] where [M], [L], and [T] are the fundamental quantities: Mass, Length, and Time. Now let’s see how we can drive this formula. How to calculate the dimensional formula of stress? In physics, we can define stress as the force acting upon a small bounded area. … Read more

Dimensional Formula of Capacitance

The dimensional formula of Capacitance is  [ M-1  L-2  T2 A2 ] where [M], [L], [T], and [A] are the fundamental quantities: Mass, Length, Time, and Ampere. From the above formula, the dimensions of capacitance are (-1, -2, 2, 2). How to calculate the dimensional formula of capacitance? In physics, we can determine the amount of … Read more

Dimensional Formula of Charge

The dimensional formula of Charge is  [ M0  L0  T1 A1 ] where [M], [L], [T], and [A] are the fundamental quantities: Mass, Length, Time, and Ampere. From the above formula, the dimensions of charge are (0, 0, 1, 1). How to calculate the dimensional formula of charge? We can use the mathematical formula of charge … Read more

Dimensional Formula of Resistance

The dimensional formula of Resistance is  [ M1  L2  T-3 A-2 ] where [M], [L], [T], and [A] are the fundamental quantities: Mass, Length, Time, and Ampere. From the above formula, the dimensions of resistance are (1, 2, -3, -2). How to calculate the dimensional formula of resistance? We can use Ohm’s law to calculate the … Read more

Dimensional Formula of Planck’s Constant

The dimensional formula of Planck’s Constant is  [ M1  L2  T-1 ] where [M], [L], and [T] are the fundamental quantities: Mass, Length, and Time. From the above formula, the dimensions of Planck’s constant are (1, 2, -1). How to calculate the dimensional formula of Planck’s constant? We can define this formula using the mathematical formula … Read more

Dimensional Formula of Linear and Angular Momentum

In this article, you will learn to calculate the dimensional formula of linear momentum and angular momentum. Dimensional Formula of Linear Momentum The dimensional formula of Linear Momentum is  [ M1  L1  T-1 ] where [M], [L], and [T] are the fundamental quantities: Mass, Length, and Time. From the above formula, the dimensions of momentum are … Read more

Dimensional Formula of Moment of Inertia

The dimensional formula of Moment of Inertia is  [ M1  L2  T0 ] where [M], [L], and [T] are the fundamental quantities: Mass, Length, and Time. From the above formula, we can derive the dimensions of the moment of inertia as (1, 2, 0). How to calculate the dimensional formula of the moment of inertia? We … Read more

Dimensional Formula of Surface Tension

The dimensional formula of Surface Tension is  [ M1  L0  T-2 ] where [M], [L], and [T] are the fundamental quantities: Mass, Length, and Time. From the above formula, we can derive the dimensions of work as (1, 0, -2). How to calculate the dimensional formula of surface tension? We can derive this formula using the … Read more